Jaunie ekonomiskie apstākļi prasa pārdošanai pielāgoties:
"When we invest in selling stuff better — instead of making better stuff — unsurprisingly, the stuff we make often turns into lemons."
Izpratne par atgriezenisko saiti tagad atšķiras no tās, par kuru raksta mediju teorijās:
"Feedback often is the signal. The more connected we are, the more feedback matters — because when we're all connected what I do is more likely to feed back onto you. Viral effects are a form of feedback. Viral effects aren't about "viral marketing". They're about the transmission of stuff from one actor to another — in a classic increasing returns pattern: 2 people, 4 people, 16 people, 256 people. (..) Google destroyed big media with feedback. Apple destroyed record labels with feedback. Zara and Threadless crushed the Gap with feedback. Obama eviscerated McCain with feedback. And, of course, Safaricom is finally using feedback constructively — instead of destructively — in banking."
Sankcijas pret Pirate Bay tikai veicinās līdzvērtīgu vietņu attīstību:
"By limiting the supply of interaction, the music industry is only ensuring that each interaction becomes more and more efficient. The endgame is a distribution system where every song in the world in the world can be zapped invisibly and anonymously from me to you in a nanosecond. (..) Wars against networks are unwinnable — when orthodox organizations are the ones fighting them. Only networks can fight other networks."
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