NEUSTAR Media Intelligence Report par 2014. gada 2. ceturksni atrodams šeit. NEUSTAR ir uzņēmums, kas analizē un interpretē dažādus datus. Ņemot vērā pētījumus par interneta lietošanas paradumiem, uzņēmums konsultē klientus par labāko izvēli komunikācijai. Manuprāt interesantākie secinājumi no šī reporta:
*This year, media advertising spending will see its largest growth in more than a decade, with 28% of spend allocated to digital channels.
*More users are using private browsing (particularly for social media) and deleting their cookies, possibly due to high-profile news stories on privacy in Q2. This multi-browser, multi-cookie, multi-device reality creates new headaches for marketers trying to ensure consistent messaging and a personalized experience.
*Using offline, first-party CRM data to target advertising dramatically improves effectiveness at driving actions. For Q2, we analyzed data from clients in the Telco, Retail and Entertainment verticals, and found that CRM data performed 19x - 98x times better than the advertiser average.
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