ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 30. jūlijs

Bing vs Google - clickthrough rate results

Līdz ar jaunā Microsoft interneta maklētāja Bing parādīšanos pie apvāršņa, daudzi ar lielu kāri metušies pētīt tā darbības efektivitāti salīdzinājumā ar citiem. Tā, piemēram, Chitika, kas ir pilna servisa on-line reklāmas tīkls, publiskojis rezultātus pētījumam par reklāmu efektivitāti dažādos meklētājos:
Pētījuma metodika: "Chitika looked at the clickthrough rates from 32 million ad impressions across its network of more than 50,000 sites in a week in July."
Rezultāts: "Visitors who arrive at sites from organic search results on Bing are 55 percent more likely to click on an ad than if they arrived from Google."
Pētījuma veicēju komentārs: "A more likely explanation is that Google represents the vast bulk of the traffic, 83 percent to be exact. Bing only represents 8 percent. There is a law of large numbers at work here. The more traffic that comes from any one source (i.e., Google), the lower the clickthrough rate is likely to trend. If the market share was reversed, Bing would undoubtedly have a lower clickthrough rate." 

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