Krievija man vienmēr ir šķitis tuvs, bet tomēr vienlaikus nezināms kaimiņš. Arī neizprotams ar saviem spēles noteikumiem biznesā. Tāpēc interesants vienmēr ir šķitis mārketinga un komunikācijas cilvēku darbs šajā valstī. Skaidrs ir viens, ka tā nu tiešām ir valsts, kur jāpārzina spēles noteikumi.
Džordžtaunas Universitātes ASV PR maģistrantūras studenti kursa "Global Communications in The Age of Social Media" ietvaros raksta blogu, kur dalās pārdomās par tirgu dažādās valstīs. Pagājušās nedēļas tēma bija Krievija. Ar lielu interesi palasīju, ko Aizjūras ļauži domā par mūsu lielo un vareno kaimiņu. Ja ir interese, vari palasīt šeitan.
Bet te ir fakti, kas man šķita interesanti. Un cipari tik tiešām ir iespaidīgi. Galvenais secinājums - internetā Krievijai ir sava pasaule, jo tā nevis piedalās globālos projektos, bet veido savus:
- The former closed communist state is already the fourth biggest market in Europe for social networking. One of the main social networks in Russia, Odnoklassniki is reporting 30 million registered users. The site, which connects classmates, is used in both Russia and the Ukraine and attracts 8 million visitors each day.
- The 140 character limit microblogging requires is a huge problem for the Russian alphabet. (And likely the Chinese as well). Likely, you will not drive sales by targeting Twitter.
- The leading Russian Search engines in 2008 were:
• Yandex. Share has decreased slightly. Audience growing exponentially
• yandex search technology). Steady share. Mail hosting is their main service.
• Rambler. Decreasing as a result of their deal with Google
- 70% of Russia’s online users lives in Moscow.
- According to a 2008 blog article posted on Multilingual PPC, Russians do not (on the whole) speak English, and prefer one-on-one contact.
- Shop for books, music, gadgets and videos on sites like - think In the first half of 2008 Ozon’s revenue grew by 78% to $45 million compared to the same period in 2007. The best-selling items are books, with 36% of sales, cell phones, cameras and other electronic devices, with 30%, and movies, with 14%.
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