Advertising - Yorkshire Building Society Tour De France 2014. Stāsts par to, kā milzīgu globālas nozīmes pasākumu nelielas pilsētas finanšu un apdrošināšanas uzņēmums izmanto, lai popularizētu savu zīmolu.
B2B - Digital Overhaul Project for ITV Studios. "ITV studios are one of the world's biggest production and
distribution companies offering over 40,000 hours of content to television
buyers. Following a major rebrand, ITV studios wanted to completely update the
way they were engaging potential content buyers online." Diezgan izsmeļošs un interesants "case study" apskatāms šeit
Charity&Not for profit - Every Man Remembered. Iespaidīga ziedojumu vākšanas kampaņa Karaliskajam britu leģionam 1. Pasaules karā kritušo piemiņai. Mājas lapa šeit, kampaņas apraksts šeit.
We're kicking off an epic battle to make sure that girls everywhere keep their confidence throughout puberty and beyond, and making a start by showing them that doing it #LikeAGirl is an awesome thing.
Gaming and Gambling - Right Behind Gay Footballers. Kampaņa futbolistu - geju atbalstam, kas izplenījās visas pasaules uzmanību.
Innovative New Technology - Play to Cure: Genes in Space.
Play to CureTM: Genes in Space is a new pioneering mobile phone game from Cancer Research UK, which lets players unravel real cancer data through a space game.
Mobile - Getting Our Mobile X Factor. Domino picas iesoļo mobilajā vidē. Te "case study". Būs interesants ikvienam, kas vēlas iet mobilo taciņu.
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