Esmu parādā ierakstu blogā par klimata izmaiņām, tāpēc padalīšos ar datiem, kas liecina par reklāmistu artavu globālās sasilšanas veicināšanā.
Tas, ka drukātie katalogi joprojām nes peļņu, man ir pārsteigums, ņemot vērā digitalizācijas laikmetu, bet ik pa laikam parādās informācija, ka tos potenciālie pircēji lasa un no tā iegūst bizness. "The Wall Street Journal" nule publicējis datus par katalogu popularitāti Amerikā. Jāatzīst, ka skaitļi ir grūti aptverami. Te daži no tiem:
- more than 17 billion catalogs were mailed in the U.S. last year - about 56 for every American;
- catalogs account for 3% of the roughly 80 million tons of paper products used annually, according to RISI Inc;
- the paper industry is the third-largest energy user within the U.S. manufacturing sector, trailing the energy and chemicals industries, according to the Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration;
- paper is responsible for 2.4% of U.S. energy use in 2006, the most recent year for which statistics are available.
Bet šī industrija attīstās, jo reklāmisti ir nepielūdzami: "Catalogs, marketers say, drive sales at Web sites, making them more important than ever. Among retailers who rely mainly on direct sales, 62% say their biggest revenue generator is a paper catalog, according to the latest survey by the Direct Marketing Association of its members. Only a fifth of those retailers said they draw their biggest sales from their Web sites." Joprojām grūti to aptvert.
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