Pagājusi pēdējā diena festivālā. Diemžēl studenti apbalvošanas ceremonijā un noslēguma ballītē netika ielaisti, tāpēc atskaņas par tām nāksies lasīt internetā arī mums. Bet kopumā šī diena bija viena no interesantākajām, jo bija vismazāk neinteresantu lektoru :)
Tātad atkal dažas piefiksētās domas no runām, šoreiz, gan lielākoties angļu valodā:
- daudzi runā, ka ir īstākais laiks pārmaiņām, ko zīmola gadījumā sauc par "brand turnover". Tam ir vajadzīgi trīs priekšnosacījumi - ambition, creativity, agency team: "There is a need for brave and fresh thinking. And customers out there are brave enough to meet these changes."
- "The mayor of London Boris Johnson once told me that he wakes up every morning and wonders that he is mayor of London. And probably many inhabitants of London also wonders. It means that everything is possible" :)
- one technological application, if customer really needs it, is worth 50 commercials. Advertising is noise in TV and words in magazines. Just give me what I need, says customer, and I don't care that this is advertising;
- brands are time bandits - they steel people's time;
- if people are ready to spend time with you, you have to make personalized content to reward them;
- brand is not one night stand - you have to give people reason to continue to be together with the brand.
Un te saldajam ēdienam un piektdienas vakaram tiem, kas vēl šo nav redzējuši :)
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